Monday, 23 March 2009

Deadlift day - yay!!

Ankles, Knees, Hips, Shoulders and Wrists

Warm Up - Shoulder Dislocates / Achilles Stretches / Quad Stretches / Squat Stretches / Shoulder & Wrist Stretch 2 x 10

Snatch High Pulls / Snatches / OH Squats / Power Cleans / Split Jerks 3 x 5

Session B
Power Clean - 5 sets 3 reps - 50kgs
Power Snatch - 5 sets 3 reps - 37.5kgs
Push Press - 5 sets 5 reps - 50kgs
Clean Deadlift (Fast) - 5 sets 5 reps - 100kgs
Smith Machine Press - 54321 reps - 50kgs
Hanging Leg Raises - 2 sets of 10


Comments: Maurice had a bit of back trouble today from when one of the sleeves of the bar came off on Saturday - always check them! He ducked out of the DLs so I got to stick a bit of weight on. They felt pretty good - like most exercises today - and they must have looked good as Maurice told me I should be cleaning that weight.

Felt pretty good for todays session and my endurance and conditioning has come on a bit. Was beginning to dip a little for the last few sets on the Smith Machine, but overall I was very happy with this session.

Also I'm starting to see a bit of return on all the flexibility stuff I've been doing. My knee can go in front of my toes by 4" or so now which helps me keeping more upright on my squats. Still not great, but getting there.


  1. Great session and great new blog. Interesting is that I have a lot of difficulty with the clean deadlift. I'm still so used to using my back with regular deads, I have to go much lighter to get the form correct. The fact that you have good form with 100kg is excellent!!

    And yes, I'm sure you will be cleaning it before the years end.

  2. Thanks Franklin - welcome along to the new blog, my first commenter.

    I needed a bit of coaching to get my shoulders over the bar more in the first set and probably will when it comes round to do them again.

    Who knows what we'll be doing come years end - I'll just settle for steady, injury free progress and giving it my best along the way.
