Saturday, 18 April 2009

Ankles, Knees, Hips, Shoulders and Wrists

Warm Up - Shoulder Dislocates / Achilles Stretches / Quad Stretches / Squat Stretches / Shoulder & Wrist Stretch 2 x 10

Triple extension / Snatch High Pulls / Snatches /Power Cleans / Split Jerks 3 x 3

Power Clean - 2 x 5@40, 2 x 3 @ 45, 1 x 3 @ 50kgs
Split Cleans - 2 x 3 @ 50, 3 x 2 @ 55, 3 x1 @ 60 kgs
Clean High Pulls - 5 x 3 - 45kgs
(Jerk) OH Supports - Did Not Do!!
Back Squats 5 x 5 - 70 kgs
Seated Press (machine) - 2 x 5 @ 32, 3 @ 38, 3 @ 52, 3 @ 58kgs


Comments: Felt a bit light-headed and drained when I went in this morning. I reckon its cold turkey from all the sugar I've been eating. Didn't feel at my best at any point, but was quite happy with how I did.

With the split cleans it looks like I either split deep and put the bar out in front of me a bit - or pull it close to my body and not spilt as much. Little bit of fear there I guess. I did a reasonable one on my last single and it felt very close to my throat. Just gotta get over it I guess.

The OH Supports aggrivated my right thigh again - did a couple of sets with just the bar but had to call it quits there. Too many people knocking about this morning so we just used whatever was available for pressing. You won't hear me detailing too many PRs using the seated press machine!!

1 comment:

  1. Another solid workout. I too sometimes have to abandon some lifts during a session if there is knee or elbow issue but it certainly does take anything away from your solid progress. Also, I see the weights are starting to creep up, which, as the weeks go by, will start to add up quickly.
