Wednesday, 1 April 2009

While the cat's away.....

Warm Up - Shoulder Dislocates / Squat Stretches

Snatch High Pulls / Snatches / OH Squats / Power Cleans / Split Jerks 3 x 3

Session C
Split Jerks - 5 sets 3 reps - 55kgs
Power Snatch - 5 sets 3 reps - 45kgs
Overhead Squat - 5 sets 3 reps - 20kgs
Back Squats - 5 sets 5 reps - 65kgs
Standing Press - 5 sets 3 reps - 50kgs
Med ball slams - 2 x 12
Hanging Leg Raises - 1 set of 12


Comments: Training on my own today and was hoping to blast through this in double quick time. As so often happens though you end having to be sociable in public gyms and I ended up talking my way to a longer than usual session.

Overall I think it went well - was a bit laboured on the old hang power snatches at 45 and my OHSs weren't as low even with heels raised. I did however get very low on the back squats and was pressing/jerking quite well.

Eating and sleeping plenty - salad, steak and salmon everyday, it's beginning to get really old though. I'll tough it out until the weekend and treat myself.


  1. A very solid and diverse session .. good work!

    As pleasurable as eating can be, its excesses do not go well with type of hard-core training you are undertaking.

    To break up a little of boredom, you might try adding different fruits and mixing up the steak and salmon preparations.

    Continue sleeping plenty and you will continue to see big improvements in your lifts.

  2. Thanks Franklin.

    Definitely need to eat right to be at your best for this. I think I'm keeping the right side of overtraining but in the afternoons on a training day I need to power nap. Must be averaging 9.5 - 10 hours a day now.

    I'm typically a groundhog day type of eater through the week, mainly cos I find it cheaper and less prep work. Toughed it out and lost 3 lbs since Sunday...I'll have a little treat or two tomorrow and Sunday now ;)
