Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Just give me 7!!

Vo2max Snatches - 80 rounds of 15:15 @ 16kgs KB
Total - 560 in 40 mins

I have been finally feeling discontented again, usually this leads to discomfort followed by growth. I have allowed myself to regress in the last 5 years or so and more or less shut myself away. Part of this discontentment lead me to start listening again to the audio book 7 Habits of Highly Effective people. I credit part of chapter two for my success in hitting 80 rounds of vo2max tonight.

There is plenty of info in that chapter but I was focusing on Leadership and Management. Leadership is having the vision and ensuring that you are headed in the right direction, management is the efficient movement in that direction and the means you use. Tonight before I started I wanted a big number - something almost silly. I wanted to surprise myself so I decided upon 80 rounds - a little less than twice what I did the other day and equal my PR for this. So that was the vision which I held in my head to begin with.

To get there I decided that all I had to do was 7 efficient reps over and over - the more efficient the easier it would be. Just give me 7!! Nevermind how many rounds you've done or still have to do. Just give me 7!! About half way through my skin was being left on the KB and my hands were in pretty bad shape. Just give me 7!! At 65 I felt a bit faint and very weak and tired. Just give me 7!! Truth was that towards the end they weren't so efficient, but they were good ones and I did what I set out to do. 100% committment to the vision.

Franklin asked Why do I bother? a little while ago. This is why I bother, these little battles and victories within myself, its about showing myself that I am capable of so much more than I think. That if I have direction and put myself to the task with all that I have I will make it, no matter what area, no matter how seemingly insurmountable.

Guys for some reason I'm unable to put comments on my own blog? Of course if I was 100% committed then I'd be able to do it ;)

Thanks for the support and I hope that you are both well and managing to get some training in. I'd have to say that the competition and pic is doing exactly what I'd hoped in terms of motivation.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations .. very impressive! I'm certainly glad that "you bother"!
